Thursday, October 12, 2017

Boycott Heather Hinkforth from Wisconsin

This person appears to be a wonderful professional on the surface. In reality, she is a sick and worthless piece of shit. After I had a date with her, the retarded ass wipe sent me illegal/immoral text messages, stating she'll illegally use the local police to wrongfully arrest me out of spite, and proceeded to state many other inappropriate things, calling me a "crazy fucker" and spewing evil bullshit which included the harassment that she cringed every time I got close to her, with the lie that I kiss like a dog. Refuse to associate with this ugly and wicked shitwipe.


  1. R u completely out of ypur mind. Do you understand that you are completely insane. You asked me put when going through a divorce and i was disgusted by you. Please get some mental health treatment....... Heather..... If something happens to anyone including me there is a well documented paper trail about you including yout juvenile mental health record. You are attempting to make me sound like a prostitite. If it comes back to me that you are defaming my character without evidence then i will very happily testify against you as a white nationalist a stalker... A security guard at a fed ex facility. Leave me alone and understand that defamation like this will come back to haunt you. Get some mental health treatment and quit talking to susan smith in florida and all those other prisoners through ypur fake prison ministry. I will report it. Now let me alone.

  2. Go fuck yourself shit wipe. I smirk at you as I always get all the pussy I want

  3. None of your fucking business what prisoners I minister to, ass wipe
