Monday, March 2, 2020

Reject all support of Little People of America

The worthless and retarded bastards reject valid supporters for no valid reason. Refuse to have anything to do with them and/or give them any money or time.

Boycott Lee Enterprises in Bloomington IL

Asshole Albert Hall (filthy nigger) and Cocksucker Chris Dietiker are worthless pieces of shit

Boycott support of Jennifer Slawinski of Palos Hills, IL

She criminally associated with me solely to wrongfully and illegally take advantage of me, so she could get cosmetics from me and use me for multiple other things. She is worthless and a threat and menace to everyone she encounters.

Boycott all support of the World Clown Association

The worthless and retarded asswipes wrongfully banish people for stuff outside of their shit organization which are none of their business. Refuse to give the assholes any money or time.